15 avr. 2010

PIM Flags

Flags in the "show ip route" output:

 • D—Dense.
 • S—Sparse.
 • B—Bidir Group. Indicates that a multicast group is operating in bidirectional mode.
 • s—SSM Group. Indicates that a multicast group is within the SSM range of IP addresses. This flag is reset if the SSM range changes.
 • C—Connected. A member of the multicast group is present on the directly connected interface.
 • L—Local. The router itself is a member of the multicast group. Groups are joined locally by the ip igmp join-group command (for the configured group), the ip sap listen command (for the well-known session directory groups), and rendezvous point (RP) mapping (for the well-known groups and Locally joined groups are not fast switched.
 • P—Pruned. Route has been pruned. The Cisco IOS software keeps this information so that a downstream member can join the source.
 • R—RP-bit set. Indicates that the (S, G) entry is pointing toward the RP. This flag typically indicates a prune state along the shared tree for a particular source.
 • F—Register flag. Indicates that the software is registering for a multicast source.
 • T—SPT-bit set. Indicates that packets have been received on the shortest path source tree.
 • J—Join SPT.
    For (*, G) entries, indicates that the rate of traffic flowing down the shared tree is exceeding the SPT-Threshold set for the group. (The default SPT-Threshold setting is 0 kbps.) When the J - Join shortest path tree (SPT) flag is set, the next (S, G) packet received down the shared tree triggers an (S, G) join in the direction of the source, thereby causing the router to join the source tree.
    For (S, G) entries, indicates that the entry was created because the SPT-Threshold for the group was exceeded. When the J - Join SPT flag is set for (S, G) entries, the router monitors the traffic rate on the source tree and attempts to switch back to the shared tree for this source if the traffic rate on the source tree falls below the SPT-Threshold of the group for more than 1 minute.
    Note The router measures the traffic rate on the shared tree and compares the measured rate to the SPT-Threshold of the group once every second. If the traffic rate exceeds the SPT-Threshold, the J - Join SPT flag is set on the (*, G) entry until the next measurement of the traffic rate. The flag is cleared when the next packet arrives on the shared tree and a new measurement interval is started.
    If the default SPT-Threshold value of 0 kbps is used for the group, the J - Join SPT flag is always set on (*, G) entries and is never cleared. When the default SPT-Threshold value is used, the router immediately switches to the shortest path source tree when traffic from a new source is received.
 • M—MSDP created entry. Indicates that a (*, G) entry was learned through a Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) peer. This flag is applicable only for an RP running MSDP.
 • E—Extranet source mroute entry. Indicates that a (*, G) or (S, G) entry in the VRF routing table is a source Multicast VRF (MVRF) entry and has extranet receiver MVRF entries linked to it.
 • X—Proxy Join Timer Running. Indicates that the proxy join timer is running. This flag is set only for (S, G) entries of an RP or "turnaround" router. A "turnaround" router is located at the intersection of a shared path (*, G) tree and the shortest path from the source to the RP.
 • A—Candidate for MSDP Advertisement. Indicates that an (S, G) entry was advertised through an MSDP peer. This flag is applicable only for an RP running MSDP.
 • U—URD. Indicates that a URL Rendezvous Directory (URD) channel subscription report was received for the (S, G) entry.
 • I—Received Source Specific Host Report. Indicates that an (S, G) entry was created by an (S, G) report. This (S, G) report could have been created by Internet Group Management Protocol Version 3 (IGMPv3), URD, or IGMP v3lite. This flag is set only on the designated router (DR).
 • Z—Multicast Tunnel. Indicates that this entry is an IP multicast group that belongs to the Multicast Distribution Tree (MDT) tunnel. All packets received for this IP multicast state are sent to the MDT tunnel for decapsulation.
 • Y—Joined MDT-data group. Indicates that the traffic was received through an MDT tunnel that was set up specifically for this source and group. This flag is set in Virtual Private Network (VPN) mroute tables only.

10 avr. 2010

vlan-to-vlan local-switching

VLAN-to-VLAN Local Switching
interface FastEthernet0/0.345
 encapsulation dot1Q 345
 ip address

 encapsulation dot1Q 345
 ip address 255.255.255.
interface FastEthernet0/0.345
 encapsulation dot1Q 345
 encapsulation dot1Q 123
connect ethvl-to-ethvl FastEthernet0/0.123 FastEthernet0/0.345

R2#show connection

ID   Name            Segment 1              Segment 2                  State  
1    ethvl-to-ethvl  Fa0/0.123              Fa0/0.345                  UP     

R2#show connection id 1
Connection: 1 - ethvl-to-ethvl
 Current State: UP
 Segment 1: FastEthernet0/0.123 up
 Segment 2: FastEthernet0/0.345 up

CDP is not disabled:
R2#show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
                  S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone

Device ID        Local Intrfce     Holdtme    Capability  Platform  Port ID
R3               Fas 0/0           171            R       7206VXR   Fas 0/0
R1               Fas 0/0           130            R       7206VXR   Fas 0/0


NTP - Network Time Protocol Packet types: -  Control messages : don't bother with this. -  NTP request/update messages: used for time sy...